title: Applicative Structure
author: Rahul Chhabra
# Applicative Structure
In this module we define the notion of an _applicative structure_.
A type $A$ has applicative structure if it has an "application operation" (here represented by `_⨾_`) and is a set.
open import Cubical.Core.Everything
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order
open import Cubical.Data.FinData
open import Cubical.Data.Vec
open import Cubical.Data.Empty renaming (elim to ⊥elim)
open import Cubical.Tactics.NatSolver
module Realizability.ApplicativeStructure where
private module _ {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} where
foldlOp : ∀ {ℓ'} (B : ℕ → Type ℓ') → Type _
foldlOp B = ∀ {n} → B n → A → B (suc n)
foldl : ∀ {ℓ'} {n : ℕ} (B : ℕ → Type ℓ') → foldlOp B → B zero → Vec A n → B n
foldl {ℓ'} {.zero} B op acc emptyVec = acc
foldl {ℓ'} {.(suc _)} B op acc (x ∷vec vec) = foldl (λ n → B (suc n)) op (op acc x) vec
reverse : ∀ {n} → Vec A n → Vec A n
reverse vec = foldl (λ n → Vec A n) (λ acc curr → curr ∷ acc) [] vec
chain : ∀ {n} → Vec A (suc n) → (A → A → A) → A
chain {n} (x ∷vec vec) op = foldl (λ _ → A) (λ acc curr → op acc curr) x vec
record ApplicativeStructure {ℓ} (A : Type ℓ) : Type ℓ where
infixl 20 _⨾_
isSetA : isSet A
_⨾_ : A → A → A
Since being a set is a property - we will generally not have to think about it too much. Also, since `A` is a set - we can drop the relevance of paths and simply talk about "equality".
We can define the notion of a term over an applicative structure.
module _ {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} (as : ApplicativeStructure A) where
open ApplicativeStructure as
infix 23 `_
infixl 22 _̇_
data Term (n : ℕ) : Type ℓ where
# : Fin n → Term n
`_ : A → Term n
_̇_ : Term n → Term n → Term n
These terms can be evaluated into $A$ if we can give the values of the free variables.
⟦_⟧ : ∀ {n} → Term n → Vec A n → A
⟦_⟧ (` a) _ = a
⟦_⟧ {n} (# k) subs = lookup k subs
⟦_⟧ (a ̇ b) subs = (⟦ a ⟧ subs) ⨾ (⟦ b ⟧ subs)
applicationChain : ∀ {n m} → Vec (Term m) (suc n) → Term m
applicationChain {n} {m} vec = chain vec (λ x y → x ̇ y)
apply : ∀ {n} → A → Vec A n → A
apply {n} a vec = chain (a ∷ vec) (λ x y → x ⨾ y)
unfolding reverse
unfolding foldl
unfolding chain
applyWorks : ∀ K a b → apply K (a ∷ b ∷ []) ≡ K ⨾ a ⨾ b
applyWorks K a b = refl
On an applicative structure we can define Feferman structure (or SK structure). We call an applicative structure endowed with Feferman structure a **combinatory algebra**.
record Feferman : Type ℓ where
s : A
k : A
kab≡a : ∀ a b → k ⨾ a ⨾ b ≡ a
sabc≡ac_bc : ∀ a b c → s ⨾ a ⨾ b ⨾ c ≡ (a ⨾ c) ⨾ (b ⨾ c)
Feferman structure allows us to construct **combinatorial completeness** structure.
Imagine we have a term `t : Term n` (for some `n : ℕ`). We can ask if `A` has a "copy" of `t` so that application would correspond to subsitution. That is, we may ask if we can find an `a : A` such that
`a ⨾ < a¹ ⨾ a² ⨾ .... ⨾ aⁿ >` (here the `< ... >` notation represents a chain of applications) would be equal to `t [a¹ / # 0 , a² / # 1 , .... , aⁿ / # (pred n) ]`. If the applicative structure additionally can be endowed with Feferman structure - then the answer is yes.
To get to such a term, we first need to define a function that takes `Term (suc n)` to `Term n` by "abstracting" the free variable represented by the index `# 0`.
We will call this `λ*abst` and this will turn out to behave very similar to λ abstraction - and we will also show that it validates a kind of β reduction rule.
module ComputationRules (feferman : Feferman) where
open Feferman feferman
λ*abst : ∀ {n} → (e : Term (suc n)) → Term n
λ*abst {n} (# zero) = ` s ̇ ` k ̇ ` k
λ*abst {n} (# (suc x)) = ` k ̇ # x
λ*abst {n} (` x) = ` k ̇ ` x
λ*abst {n} (e ̇ e₁) = ` s ̇ λ*abst e ̇ λ*abst e₁
**Remark** : It is important to note that in general, realizability is developed using **partial combinatory algebras** and **partial applicative structures**. In this case, `λ*abst` is not particularly well-behaved. The β reduction-esque rule we derive also does not behave *completely* like β reduction. See Jonh Longley's PhD thesis "Realizability Toposes and Language Semantics" Theorem 1.1.9.
**Remark** : We declare the definition as `opaque` - this is important. If we let Agda unfold this definition all the way we ocassionally end up with unreadable goals containing a mess of `s` and `k`.
We define meta-syntactic sugar for some of the more common cases :
λ* : Term one → A
λ* t = ⟦ λ*abst t ⟧ []
λ*2 : Term two → A
λ*2 t = ⟦ λ*abst (λ*abst t) ⟧ []
λ*3 : Term three → A
λ*3 t = ⟦ λ*abst (λ*abst (λ*abst t)) ⟧ []
λ*4 : Term four → A
λ*4 t = ⟦ λ*abst (λ*abst (λ*abst (λ*abst t))) ⟧ []
We now show that we have a β-reduction-esque operation. We proceed by induction on the structure of the term and the number of free variables.
For the particular combinatory algebra Λ/β (terms of the untyped λ calculus quotiented by β equality) - this β reduction actually coincides with the "actual" β reduction.
TODO : Prove this.
unfolding λ*abst
βreduction : ∀ {n} → (body : Term (suc n)) → (prim : A) → (subs : Vec A n) → ⟦ λ*abst body ̇ ` prim ⟧ subs ≡ ⟦ body ⟧ (prim ∷ subs)
βreduction {n} (# zero) prim subs =
s ⨾ k ⨾ k ⨾ prim
≡⟨ sabc≡ac_bc _ _ _ ⟩
k ⨾ prim ⨾ (k ⨾ prim)
≡⟨ kab≡a _ _ ⟩
βreduction {n} (# (suc x)) prim subs = kab≡a _ _
βreduction {n} (` x) prim subs = kab≡a _ _
βreduction {n} (rator ̇ rand) prim subs =
s ⨾ ⟦ λ*abst rator ⟧ subs ⨾ ⟦ λ*abst rand ⟧ subs ⨾ prim
≡⟨ sabc≡ac_bc _ _ _ ⟩
⟦ λ*abst rator ⟧ subs ⨾ prim ⨾ (⟦ λ*abst rand ⟧ subs ⨾ prim)
≡⟨ cong₂ (λ x y → x ⨾ y) (βreduction rator prim subs) (βreduction rand prim subs) ⟩
⟦ rator ⟧ (prim ∷ subs) ⨾ ⟦ rand ⟧ (prim ∷ subs)
λ*chainTerm : ∀ n → Term n → Term zero
λ*chainTerm zero t = t
λ*chainTerm (suc n) t = λ*chainTerm n (λ*abst t)
λ*chain : ∀ {n} → Term n → A
λ*chain {n} t = ⟦ λ*chainTerm n t ⟧ []
We provide useful reasoning combinators that are useful and frequent.
unfolding reverse
unfolding foldl
unfolding chain
λ*ComputationRule : ∀ (t : Term 1) (a : A) → λ* t ⨾ a ≡ ⟦ t ⟧ (a ∷ [])
λ*ComputationRule t a =
⟦ λ*abst t ⟧ [] ⨾ a
≡⟨ βreduction t a [] ⟩
⟦ t ⟧ (a ∷ [])
λ*2ComputationRule : ∀ (t : Term 2) (a b : A) → λ*2 t ⨾ a ⨾ b ≡ ⟦ t ⟧ (b ∷ a ∷ [])
λ*2ComputationRule t a b =
⟦ λ*abst (λ*abst t) ⟧ [] ⨾ a ⨾ b
≡⟨ refl ⟩
⟦ λ*abst (λ*abst t) ⟧ [] ⨾ ⟦ ` a ⟧ [] ⨾ ⟦ ` b ⟧ []
≡⟨ refl ⟩
⟦ λ*abst (λ*abst t) ̇ ` a ⟧ [] ⨾ ⟦ ` b ⟧ []
≡⟨ cong (λ x → x ⨾ b) (βreduction (λ*abst t) a []) ⟩
⟦ λ*abst t ⟧ (a ∷ []) ⨾ b
≡⟨ βreduction t b (a ∷ []) ⟩
⟦ t ⟧ (b ∷ a ∷ [])
λ*3ComputationRule : ∀ (t : Term 3) (a b c : A) → λ*3 t ⨾ a ⨾ b ⨾ c ≡ ⟦ t ⟧ (c ∷ b ∷ a ∷ [])
λ*3ComputationRule t a b c =
⟦ λ*abst (λ*abst (λ*abst t)) ⟧ [] ⨾ ⟦ ` a ⟧ [] ⨾ ⟦ ` b ⟧ [] ⨾ ⟦ ` c ⟧ []
≡⟨ cong (λ x → x ⨾ b ⨾ c) (βreduction (λ*abst (λ*abst t)) a []) ⟩
⟦ λ*abst (λ*abst t) ⟧ (a ∷ []) ⨾ ⟦ ` b ⟧ (a ∷ []) ⨾ ⟦ ` c ⟧ (a ∷ [])
≡⟨ cong (λ x → x ⨾ c) (βreduction (λ*abst t) b (a ∷ [])) ⟩
⟦ λ*abst t ⟧ (b ∷ a ∷ []) ⨾ ⟦ ` c ⟧ (b ∷ a ∷ [])
≡⟨ βreduction t c (b ∷ a ∷ []) ⟩
⟦ t ⟧ (c ∷ b ∷ a ∷ [])
λ*4ComputationRule : ∀ (t : Term 4) (a b c d : A) → λ*4 t ⨾ a ⨾ b ⨾ c ⨾ d ≡ ⟦ t ⟧ (d ∷ c ∷ b ∷ a ∷ [])
λ*4ComputationRule t a b c d =
⟦ λ*abst (λ*abst (λ*abst (λ*abst t))) ⟧ [] ⨾ ⟦ ` a ⟧ [] ⨾ ⟦ ` b ⟧ [] ⨾ ⟦ ` c ⟧ [] ⨾ ⟦ ` d ⟧ []
≡⟨ cong (λ x → x ⨾ b ⨾ c ⨾ d) (βreduction (λ*abst (λ*abst (λ*abst t))) a []) ⟩
⟦ λ*abst (λ*abst (λ*abst t)) ⟧ (a ∷ []) ⨾ ⟦ ` b ⟧ (a ∷ []) ⨾ ⟦ ` c ⟧ (a ∷ []) ⨾ ⟦ ` d ⟧ (a ∷ [])
≡⟨ cong (λ x → x ⨾ c ⨾ d) (βreduction (λ*abst (λ*abst t)) b (a ∷ [])) ⟩
⟦ λ*abst (λ*abst t) ⟧ (b ∷ a ∷ []) ⨾ ⟦ ` c ⟧ (b ∷ a ∷ []) ⨾ ⟦ ` d ⟧ (b ∷ a ∷ [])
≡⟨ cong (λ x → x ⨾ d) (βreduction (λ*abst t) c (b ∷ a ∷ [])) ⟩
⟦ λ*abst t ⟧ (c ∷ b ∷ a ∷ []) ⨾ ⟦ ` d ⟧ (c ∷ b ∷ a ∷ [])
≡⟨ βreduction t d (c ∷ b ∷ a ∷ []) ⟩
⟦ t ⟧ (d ∷ c ∷ b ∷ a ∷ [])