open import Realizability.ApplicativeStructure open import Realizability.CombinatoryAlgebra open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure using (⟨_⟩; str) open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence open import Cubical.Foundations.Powerset open import Cubical.Functions.FunExtEquiv open import Cubical.Relation.Binary open import Cubical.Data.Sigma open import Cubical.Data.FinData open import Cubical.Data.Vec open import Cubical.Reflection.RecordEquiv open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as PT hiding (map) open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation.Monad open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients as SQ open import Cubical.Categories.Category open import Cubical.Categories.Functor hiding (Id) module Realizability.PERs.PER {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} (ca : CombinatoryAlgebra A) where open import Realizability.Assembly.Base ca open import Realizability.Assembly.Morphism ca open CombinatoryAlgebra ca open Combinators ca renaming (i to Id; ia≡a to Ida≡a) module BR = BinaryRelation isPartialEquivalenceRelation : (A → A → Type ℓ) → Type _ isPartialEquivalenceRelation rel = BR.isSym rel × BR.isTrans rel isPropIsPartialEquivalenceRelation : ∀ r → (∀ a b → isProp (r a b)) → isProp (isPartialEquivalenceRelation r) isPropIsPartialEquivalenceRelation rel isPropValuedRel = isProp× (isPropΠ (λ x → isPropΠ λ y → isProp→ (isPropValuedRel y x))) (isPropΠ λ x → isPropΠ λ y → isPropΠ λ z → isProp→ (isProp→ (isPropValuedRel x z))) record PER : Type (ℓ-suc ℓ) where no-eta-equality constructor makePER field relation : A → A → Type ℓ isPropValued : ∀ a b → isProp (relation a b) isPER : isPartialEquivalenceRelation relation isSymmetric = isPER .fst isTransitive = isPER .snd open PER PERΣ : Type (ℓ-suc ℓ) PERΣ = Σ[ relation ∈ (A → A → hProp ℓ) ] isPartialEquivalenceRelation λ a b → ⟨ relation a b ⟩ isSetPERΣ : isSet PERΣ isSetPERΣ = isSetΣ (isSet→ (isSet→ isSetHProp)) (λ relation → isProp→isSet (isPropIsPartialEquivalenceRelation (λ a b → ⟨ relation a b ⟩) (λ a b → str (relation a b)))) PER≡ : ∀ (R S : PER) → (R .relation ≡ S .relation) → R ≡ S relation (PER≡ R S rel≡ i) = rel≡ i isPropValued (PER≡ R S rel≡ i) a b = isProp→PathP {B = λ j → isProp (rel≡ j a b)} (λ j → isPropIsProp) (R .isPropValued a b) (S .isPropValued a b) i isPER (PER≡ R S rel≡ i) = isProp→PathP {B = λ j → isPartialEquivalenceRelation (rel≡ j)} (λ j → isPropIsPartialEquivalenceRelation (rel≡ j) λ a b → isPropRelJ a b j) (R .isPER) (S .isPER) i where isPropRelJ : ∀ a b j → isProp (rel≡ j a b) isPropRelJ a b j = isProp→PathP {B = λ k → isProp (rel≡ k a b)} (λ k → isPropIsProp) (R .isPropValued a b) (S .isPropValued a b) j PERIsoΣ : Iso PER PERΣ PERIsoΣ per = (λ a b → per .relation a b , per .isPropValued a b) , per .isPER relation (Iso.inv PERIsoΣ perΣ) a b = ⟨ perΣ .fst a b ⟩ isPropValued (Iso.inv PERIsoΣ perΣ) a b = str (perΣ .fst a b) isPER (Iso.inv PERIsoΣ perΣ) = perΣ .snd Iso.rightInv PERIsoΣ perΣ = refl Iso.leftInv PERIsoΣ per = PER≡ _ _ refl isSetPER : isSet PER isSetPER = isOfHLevelRetractFromIso 2 PERIsoΣ isSetPERΣ PER≡Iso : ∀ (R S : PER) → Iso (R ≡ S) (R .relation ≡ S .relation) (PER≡Iso R S) R≡S i = R≡S i .relation Iso.inv (PER≡Iso R S) rel≡ = PER≡ R S rel≡ Iso.rightInv (PER≡Iso R S) rel≡ = refl Iso.leftInv (PER≡Iso R S) R≡S = isSetPER R S _ _ _~[_]_ : A → PER → A → Type ℓ a ~[ R ] b = R .relation a b isProp~ : ∀ a R b → isProp (a ~[ R ] b) isProp~ a R b = R .isPropValued a b isTracker : (R S : PER) → A → Type ℓ isTracker R S a = ∀ r r' → r ~[ R ] r' → (a ⨾ r) ~[ S ] (a ⨾ r') perTracker : (R S : PER) → Type ℓ perTracker R S = Σ[ a ∈ A ] isTracker R S a isEquivTracker : (R S : PER) → perTracker R S → perTracker R S → Type ℓ isEquivTracker R S (a , _) (b , _) = (∀ r → r ~[ R ] r → (a ⨾ r) ~[ S ] (b ⨾ r)) isEquivRelIsEquivTracker : (R S : PER) → BR.isEquivRel (isEquivTracker R S) BinaryRelation.isEquivRel.reflexive (isEquivRelIsEquivTracker R S) (a , isTrackerA) r r~r = isTrackerA r r r~r BinaryRelation.isEquivRel.symmetric (isEquivRelIsEquivTracker R S) (a , isTrackerA) (b , isTrackerB) a~b r r~r = isSymmetric S (a ⨾ r) (b ⨾ r) (a~b r r~r) BinaryRelation.isEquivRel.transitive (isEquivRelIsEquivTracker R S) (a , isTrackerA) (b , isTrackerB) (c , isTrackerC) a~b b~c r r~r = isTransitive S (a ⨾ r) (b ⨾ r) (c ⨾ r) (a~b r r~r) (b~c r r~r) isPropIsEquivTracker : ∀ R S a b → isProp (isEquivTracker R S a b) isPropIsEquivTracker R S (a , isTrackerA) (b , isTrackerB) = isPropΠ2 λ r r~r → isPropValued S (a ⨾ r) (b ⨾ r) isEffectiveIsEquivTracker : ∀ R S → BR.isEffective (isEquivTracker R S) isEffectiveIsEquivTracker R S = isEquivRel→isEffective (isPropIsEquivTracker R S) (isEquivRelIsEquivTracker R S) perMorphism : (R S : PER) → Type ℓ perMorphism R S = perTracker R S / (isEquivTracker R S) effectiveIsEquivTracker : ∀ R S a b → [ a ] ≡ [ b ] → isEquivTracker R S a b effectiveIsEquivTracker R S a b eq' = effective (isPropIsEquivTracker R S) (isEquivRelIsEquivTracker R S) a b eq' isSetPerMorphism : ∀ R S → isSet (perMorphism R S) isSetPerMorphism R S = squash/ idPerMorphism : (R : PER) → perMorphism R R idPerMorphism R = [ Id , (λ r r' r~r' → subst2 (λ r r' → r ~[ R ] r') (sym (Ida≡a r)) (sym (Ida≡a r')) r~r') ] composePerTracker : (R S T : PER) → perTracker R S → perTracker S T → perTracker R T composePerTracker R S T (a , a⊩f) (b , b⊩g) = let realizer : Term as 1 realizer = ` b ̇ (` a ̇ # zero) in λ* realizer , λ r r' r~r' → subst2 _~[ T ]_ (sym (λ*ComputationRule realizer r)) (sym (λ*ComputationRule realizer r')) (b⊩g (a ⨾ r) (a ⨾ r') (a⊩f r r' r~r')) composePerMorphism : (R S T : PER) → perMorphism R S → perMorphism S T → perMorphism R T composePerMorphism R S T f g = SQ.rec2 squash/ (λ { (a , a⊩f) (b , b⊩g) → [ composePerTracker R S T (a , a⊩f) (b , b⊩g) ] }) (λ { (a , a⊩f) (b , b⊩f) (c , c⊩g) a~b → eq/ _ _ λ r r~r → subst2 (λ car cbr → car ~[ T ] cbr) (sym (λ*ComputationRule (` c ̇ (` a ̇ # zero)) r)) (sym (λ*ComputationRule (` c ̇ (` b ̇ # zero)) r)) (c⊩g (a ⨾ r) (b ⨾ r) (a~b r r~r)) }) (λ { (a , a⊩f) (b , b⊩g) (c , c⊩g) b~c → eq/ _ _ λ r r~r → subst2 (λ bar car → bar ~[ T ] car) (sym (λ*ComputationRule (` b ̇ (` a ̇ # zero)) r)) (sym (λ*ComputationRule (` c ̇ (` a ̇ # zero)) r)) (b~c (a ⨾ r) (a⊩f r r r~r)) }) f g idLPerMorphism : ∀ R S f → composePerMorphism R R S (idPerMorphism R) f ≡ f idLPerMorphism R S f = SQ.elimProp (λ f → squash/ (composePerMorphism R R S (idPerMorphism R) f) f) (λ { (a , a⊩f) → eq/ _ _ λ r r~r → subst (λ ar → ar ~[ S ] (a ⨾ r)) (sym (λ*ComputationRule (` a ̇ (` Id ̇ # zero)) r ∙ cong (λ x → a ⨾ x) (Ida≡a r))) (a⊩f r r r~r) }) f idRPerMorphism : ∀ R S f → composePerMorphism R S S f (idPerMorphism S) ≡ f idRPerMorphism R S f = SQ.elimProp (λ f → squash/ (composePerMorphism R S S f (idPerMorphism S)) f) (λ { (a , a⊩f) → eq/ _ _ λ r r~r → subst (λ ar → ar ~[ S ] (a ⨾ r)) (sym (λ*ComputationRule (` Id ̇ (` a ̇ # zero)) r ∙ Ida≡a (a ⨾ r))) (a⊩f r r r~r) }) f assocPerMorphism : ∀ R S T U f g h → composePerMorphism R T U (composePerMorphism R S T f g) h ≡ composePerMorphism R S U f (composePerMorphism S T U g h) assocPerMorphism R S T U f g h = SQ.elimProp3 (λ f g h → squash/ (composePerMorphism R T U (composePerMorphism R S T f g) h) (composePerMorphism R S U f (composePerMorphism S T U g h))) (λ { (a , a⊩f) (b , b⊩g) (c , c⊩h) → eq/ _ _ λ r r~r → subst2 (λ cba cba' → cba ~[ U ] cba') (sym (λ*ComputationRule (` c ̇ (` ⟦ as ⟧ (λ*abst (` b ̇ (` a ̇ # zero))) [] ̇ # zero)) r ∙ cong (λ bar → c ⨾ bar) (λ*ComputationRule (` b ̇ (` a ̇ # zero)) r))) (sym (λ*ComputationRule (` ⟦ as ⟧ (λ*abst (` c ̇ (` b ̇ # zero))) [] ̇ (` a ̇ # zero)) r ∙ λ*ComputationRule (` c ̇ (` b ̇ # zero)) (a ⨾ r))) (c⊩h (b ⨾ (a ⨾ r)) (b ⨾ (a ⨾ r)) (b⊩g (a ⨾ r) (a ⨾ r) (a⊩f r r r~r)) ) }) f g h PERCat : Category (ℓ-suc ℓ) ℓ Category.ob PERCat = PER Category.Hom[_,_] PERCat R S = perMorphism R S PERCat {R} = idPerMorphism R Category._⋆_ PERCat {R} {S} {T} f g = composePerMorphism R S T f g Category.⋆IdL PERCat {R} {S} f = idLPerMorphism R S f Category.⋆IdR PERCat {R} {S} f = idRPerMorphism R S f Category.⋆Assoc PERCat {R} {S} {T} {U} f g h = assocPerMorphism R S T U f g h Category.isSetHom PERCat {R} {S} = isSetPerMorphism R S